Friday, April 30, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance - Youtube Dancers

Hotaru no hikari [IkimonoGakari] Op 5 Naruto Shippuden [Sub espaƱol]

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bukan kondom "biasa" SICLU says

Bukan Kondom Biasa


VIVAnews - Kreativitas memang tidak ada batasnya, termasuk dalam hal merancang kondom. Tanpa menghilangkan fungsi utamanya sebagai alat pengaman seksual, beragam kondom diciptakan untuk menambah sensasi bercinta.

Berikut empat dari delapan model kondom paling unik yang beredar di berbagai negara.

1. Kondom Musik

Kondom ini dilengkapi dengan miniatur speaker dan sensor gerak yang ditanam pada bagian ujungnya. Kondom ini akan mengeluarkan musik secara otomatis selama pengguna melakukan hubungan seksual.

Volume musik tergantung pada intensitas gerakan dan posisi bercinta. Keterbatasan kondom ini adalah kualitas suara yang rendah, mirip dengan nada monophonik ponsel. Pengujian telah menunjukkan tidak ada bahaya sengatan listrik bagi penggunanya (WOW... KEREN!!!! ^_')

2. Kondom Glow in the Dark

Love Light adalah kondom phospor yang bisa memendarkan cahaya dalam suasana gelap. Kondom ini tersedia dalam dua paket yaitu paket 6 atau 12. Harga untuk paket 6 sebesar € 8.45 dan untuk paket 12 senilai € 14,95.

Agar bersinar saat digunakan dalam gelap, kondom ini perlu mendapatkan cahaya selama 30 detik. Kekuatan sinar kondom bisa bertahan selama 15 menit. Namun, pijaran ekornya bisa bertahan selama berjam-jam. (klo mati lampu bisa dipake sebagai pengganti cahaya lampu gak ya????? klo bisa kan lumayan, bisa menghemat biaya untuk beli lilin atau lampu senter *_*)

3. Kondom Whisky

Alat pengaman bernama McCondom ini memiliki aroma mirip whisky. Hanya saja, aroma itu tak memengaruhi rasanya. Pelumas kondom seharga £ 2.12 ini tidak berasa seperti whisky, tapi aromanya mampu membangkitkan suasana bercinta (wow... Like this @_@).

4. Kondom Penggaris

Kondom bernama 'Condometricis' ( nama yang keren euy) ini bisa digunakan untuk mengukur panjang alat vital pria. Kondom dilengkapi angka-angka pengukur seperti penggaris.(kayak meteran euy, btw bisa di pake untuk dijadiin penggaris juga ga ya??) Condometric adalah profilaksis pertama, yang bisa mengukur dan menunjukkan panjang alat vital pria, serta membantu menunjukkan ukuran yang sebenarnya (brarti ga bisa boong donk???? ^_^).

Saturday, April 10, 2010

SICLU "S" says.... ^_'

Women are made from the ribs of men,
not from his head to top him,
or from his feet to be stepped upon,
But from his side to be close to him,
Beneath his arm to be protected by him,
Near his heart to be loved by him..


SICLU "S" says.... ^_^

Each person is unique and irreplaceable.
Everyone's got his own features and skills.
In everyone's chest beats a different heart.
We're all alike but still deeply different.
If you think it over, it's anything but unfair.
It's the reason for which it's worth
to exist and be friends
Because of this,everyone of us
has something special

_Bell Dandy-Aats! Megami-sama_

Friday, April 9, 2010

Innocence_Avril Lavigne

Waking up i see that everything is ok
the first time in my life and now it's so great
slowing down i look around and i am so amazed
i think about the little things that make life great
i wouldn't change a thing about it
this is the best feeling

this innocence is brilliant, i hope that it will stay
this moment is perfect, please don't go away, i need you now
and i'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

i found a place so safe, not a single tear
the first time in my life and now it's so clear
feel calm i belong, i'm so happy here
it's so strong and now i let myself be sincere
i wouldn't change a thing about it
this is the best feeling

this innocence is brilliant, i hope that it will stay
this moment is perfect, please don't go away, i need you now
and i'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

it's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
it's the happiness inside that you're feeling
it's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

it's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
it's the happiness inside that you're feeling
it's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

it's so beautiful it makes you want to cry

this innocence is brilliant, it makes you want to cry
this innocence is brilliance, please don't go away
cause i need you now
and i'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

this innocence is brilliant, i hope that it will stay
this moment is perfect, please don't go away, i need you now
and i'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

welcome to SC's world

welcome to SC's world

SC was founded by 5 beautiful women, smart and decent persons of course.. ^_'
SC is the abbreviation of 'Single Club' ...
unintentionally formed and unstructured ..
but even thought the name is 'Single Club'..
not all the members is single ..
and for the first as a introduction
we want to says thanx to Allah SWT and the prophet Muhammad SAW
our families also..
to all of our friends in happiness and sadness..
n especially say thanx to our adviser 'Bhai'...
"we love u Bhai" ^_^